This is the last picture I'm going to show you of
the food in Vietnam.
If you have caught on to my notions about the fact
that you can tell a lot about people by looking at what they eat,
then this picture will tell it all.
Notice how the woman to the right is really
bending over to look at what she wants to buy. The man selling
- you can only see his right arm - is obvioulsy leaning forward
too and focuses his attention to her shopping needs. This is all
about care and respect on a personal level and this is what we
need to get back - desperately, or else we might become
a poor nation in our souls...
It seems like we have lost the Larsen family whilst
we went foraging in the market!
I know they are never far from
water so we are going to go to the Hanoi harbour next to see if
they are there... |