Roger in Kuwait

Roger in Kuwait, part 7

I was so taken by the splendour of the building and the way that Utzon had managed to truly make the unyielding concrete look and feel like the fabric and shape of a tent so I returned the following day when the National Assembly was in session and not only was Jasem right in saying that any person from any country is freely allowed during the sessions; it was also a great experience to see and hear the “Speaker”, who is the head of the Kuwait democracy, in session.

Other remarkable features are the enormous, light rooms that stretches from one end of the building to the other. It gives a feeling of grandeur and I am honoured to see the work of my colleague Utzon and how well it is executed and merged with the traditions of Kuwait, sun positions, sound and sea.

Dear Kuwait, and the people of Kuwait – It was an honour and an extremely positive experience to visit your country and I sincerely hope that this exhibition is the first of many visits and also that I may one day welcome you to Denmark or to France, where I currently reside.

By Rogér Larsen







I would like to thank:

The Royal Danish Consulate of Kuwait
Michael Jørgensen
Henrik Bendix
Vibeke Jørgensen

Maersk Sealand
Hans Peter Glipman Jørgensen
Bimal Kanal
Nana Jørgensen
Viggo Peter Jørgensen

The National Assembly
Jasem Al-Matrouk

The Kuwait Association of Art

SAS Radisson
Andreas Fluckiger
Pascal Cadet
Sajimon Joseph
And all the staff at the Radisson!

And also; Lufthansa, Arla Foods, Bang & Oluffsen, Lurpak, Arabi Company, KDD, Hempel, Puck, EHAC and Cowi Consult. 

Roger in Kuwait

This is a 7 page article from my exhibition in Kuwait in 2005 where I was invited in honour of Queen Margerethe's 60th anniversary by the Royal Danish Embassy and SAS Radisson.

It was originally published as a 9 page article in Thoughts Magazine, 2005.

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PDF of original article