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Pictures and scans of articles for journalists and fans

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The material may be used freely for print-outs, articles and publications about Roger Larsen.

Click here to view and download a set of high resolution images suitable for re-print.

Click here to download the pressbook (11.1 Mb) with pre-selected articles and images in MS Word format. Once you have downloaded the pressbook you may double-click the file to open and it is then ready to be viewed and printed.

Additionally, you may also view/print more material from the selection below

Article, about Roger Larsen
(DK 2.9 Mb) included in pressbook

Children 1, ink on paper 1993 (22 Kb)
Children 2, ink on paper 1993 (16 Kb)

Acrylic on paper, sold to Greenland (18 Kb)
From Roger's home
(13 Kb)

Design of unique coffee table
(23 Kb) included in pressbook

From Roger's home
(18 Kb)

Sold to Hanne and Michael in France
(16 Kb) included in pressbook

Don Quijote, acrylic on handmade paper
(7 Kb) included in pressbook

"Monsieur in Paris"
(18 Kb) included in pressbook
Sold to Poul... (18 Kb)

In France, acrylic on handmade paper (10 Kb)
A picture... (14 Kb)

Roger's Car Art (24 Kb)

Material on Roger Larsen's murals "Roger on the wall"
(EN 6.45 Mb) included in pressbook
Acrylic on canvas (59 Kb)

Click here to view and download a set of high resolution images suitable for re-print.

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